How Electronic Cigarettes Compare To Traditional Cigarettes
The e-cig is a smokeless cigarette that provides the same pleasurable qualities you'll find in traditional...

More Information on Electronic Cigarettes
The electronic cigarette, or e-cig, has been popular for several years throughout Europe and many other...

What is it / how does it work?
An electronic cigarette or "e-cigarette" is a non-flammable battery-powered device that provides...


Professionals have noted, “This is becoming quite popular!..." and... "We had somebody who's a smoker try this and they were actually pretty surprised at how much it did feel like smoking, you do have the device that looks like a cigarette, your putting it to your mouth and puffing it like a cigarette. ..he was actually really surprised at how much it felt like a cigarette."

Popular News Medical Contributors say that tar and tobacco is a contributing problem with traditional cigarettes and since the e-cigarette does not contain tobacco or tar it is a great alternative to traditional cigarettes!


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Why Electronic Cigarettes Are a Phenomenal Substitute To Traditional Cigarettes

The e-cig is a smokeless cigarette that provides the similar qualities you'll find in traditional cigarettes, without the tar, combustible smoke and horrible smell. Read on for a look into the benefits of the Modern Smoke electronic cigarettes.

Smokeless Cigarettes 

Electronic cigarettes are a phenomenal substitute to a combustible cigarette. There is a variety of smokeless cigarette products on the market, however, the Modern Smoke e cigarette has an innovative design that looks, feels and taste better than a real cigarette.

Electronic Cigarette Benefits

Electronic cigarettes are non-combustible products that are free from tobacco, tar and  the thousands of chemicals and toxins found in traditional cigarette products. 

E cigarettes are battery-powered devices. Inhalation signals the battery to heat a liquid solution, which produces a satisfying vapor to mimic the sensation of real tobacco smoke. Since e-cigs are non-flammable, there are is also no smoke, fire and ashes.

The Modern Smoke electrictronic cigarette offers great benefits in that it includes a computer chip or a smart chip.  The chip is designed to temporarily suspend function of the e-cig if you take more than 15 drags in a single minute. With this awesome new and innovative attribute, Modern Smoke electronic cigarettes provides the consumer with an excellent alternative to cigarettes.

No More Second-Hand Smoke With The Modern Smoke E-Cig

The Modern Smoke E-Cig is smoke free although it produces a smoke-like vapor. You can enjoy an electronic cigarette without the social stigmas, second hand smoke and bad breath.

Environmental Benefits of The Modern Electronic Cigarette

The Modern Smoke Electronic Cigarette is definitely a green product.  It does not produce combustible smoke, the battery is re-chargeable and it is environmentally friendly.

Electronic Cigarettes and Your Confidence

Combustible cigarettes leave a stains on your teeth, bad breath in your mouth, smelly clothes on your body and a dent in your wallet.  The Modern Smoke Electronic Cigarette helps eliminate all these negatives.

Save Money and Time

Electronic Cigarettes are a better alternative to traditional tobacco.  You'll save money using an e-cig over cigarettes, you'll save time and you'll instantly realize the benefits.

Social Benefits of E-Cigs

Smokers have become a socially marginalized group over the years, often confined to puff away in designated areas outside and away from public view. Since e cigarettes produce no smoke and only vapor, are odor free, it's time to enjoy vaporizing anywhere you please including the office, vehicle, restaurants and in public places where smoking is typically prohibited.