How Electronic Cigarettes Compare To Traditional Cigarettes
The e-cig is a smokeless cigarette that provides the same pleasurable qualities you'll find in traditional...

More Information on Electronic Cigarettes
The electronic cigarette, or e-cig, has been popular for several years throughout Europe and many other...

What is it / how does it work?
An electronic cigarette or "e-cigarette" is a non-flammable battery-powered device that provides...


Professionals have noted, “This is becoming quite popular!..." and... "We had somebody who's a smoker try this and they were actually pretty surprised at how much it did feel like smoking, you do have the device that looks like a cigarette, your putting it to your mouth and puffing it like a cigarette. ..he was actually really surprised at how much it felt like a cigarette."

Popular News Medical Contributors say that tar and tobacco is a contributing problem with traditional cigarettes and since the e-cigarette does not contain tobacco or tar it is a great alternative to traditional cigarettes!


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